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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 广东省 东莞市 塘厦镇 中国广东东莞东莞市塘厦镇清塘北街16号
  • 姓名: 陈卫平
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定

    收购34970A_长期回收Agilent 34970A

  • 所属行业:二手设备 二手仪器仪表 二手特殊仪器仪表
  • 发布日期:2021-08-03
  • 阅读量:213
  • 价格:9999.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:Agilent 34970A
  • 产品数量:100.00 台
  • 包装说明:二手
  • 发货地址:广东东莞塘厦  
  • 关键词:Agilent,34970A,Agilent,34970A,Agilent,34970A,Agilent,34970A,Agilent,34970A,Agilent,34970A

    收购34970A_长期回收Agilent 34970A详细内容

    收购34970A_长期回收Agilent 34970A|收购34970A_长期回收Agilent 34970A
    Agilent 34970A回收/Agilent 34970A回收价格
    Agilent 34970A回收/Agilent 34970A回收价格
    Main characteristics and technical indexes
    3 Slot host with built-in GPIB and RS232 interface
    6 1/2位(22-bit)内置数字万用表,每秒扫描多达250个通道
    6 1/2 bit (22-bit) built-in digital universal meter, scanning up to 250 channels per second
    8 types of switches and control insert modules are available for selection
    Built in ** adjustment measurement thermocouple, RTD and electrical resistance, DC / AC voltage and current; resistance; frequency and cycle
    The non-volatile memory stores the 50K reading, and can keep the data when the power is cut off.
    Hi/LO alarm limit for each channel, plus 4 TTL alarm outputs.
    You can trust the measurement:
    我们把销售良好数字多用表测量引擎嵌入在3槽主机箱中。您能获得优异的测量能力,带有内置信号调整的通用输入,模块化的灵活性,低廉的售价,以及紧凑的数据采集机箱。Keysight 34970A有6.5位(22 bits)分辨率,0.004%的基本直流电压精度和较低的读数噪声。再加上250通道/秒的扫描率,使您能在**时间得到完成任务所需要的速度和精度。
    We put the sales of good digital multi meter measurement engine embedded in the 3 Slot mainframe box. You can obtain excellent measurement capabilities with built-in ** adjustment for general purpose input, modular flexibility, low price, and compact data acquisition chassis. 34970A Keysight has 6.5 bit (22 bits) resolution, 0.004% of the basic DC voltage accuracy and a very low reading noise. Plus the scan rate of 250 channels per second, so that you can get the speed and accuracy required to complete the task in the first time.
    To help you complete the task of strong flexibility:
    无论您是需要测量温度、交流/直流电压、电阻、频率或电流,Keysight 34970A都能胜任。内部的自动量程数字多用表直接测量11种不同功能,而*昂贵的外部信号调整。我们的*特设计可实现每一通道的配置能力,以得到较大的灵活性和快速、容易的设置。就像每一通道后面都拥有独立的高性能数字多用表。
    Whether you need to measure temperature, AC / DC voltage, resistance, frequency or current, 34970A Keysight can do it. The internal automatic range digital multi meter directly measure 11 kinds of different functions, without the need of expensive external ** adjustment. Our unique design can achieve the configuration capabilities of each channel, in order to get the maximum flexibility and quick and easy setup. Just as each channel has a separate high performance digital multi meter.
    Custom configuration to adapt to the growth of your needs:
    3个模块槽和8种开关/控制模块使您能按特殊要求定制Keysight 34970A。只需先购买当前所需,随以后应用的增长再买更多的模块。
    3 module slots and 8 switch / control modules enable you to customize the 34970A Keysight according to the special requirements. Just need to buy the current needs, with the future growth of the application to buy more modules.
    Guide for selection of insert modules
    Easy to learn and easy to use:
    从简化的配置步骤到自引导的前面板界面,我们努力减少您的时间和减轻您的工作量。一些简单的工作,如模块上的螺钉终端连接器、内装的热偶参考结等都有包括许多例子和提示的用户文档,标准的“启用”套件使您在开机15分钟后就能进行测量 -- 这一切都会为您提高效率,无论是经常还是偶尔使用仪器。
    From a simplified configuration step to a self guided front panel interface, we strive to reduce your time and reduce your workload. Some simple work, such as module screw terminal connectors, built-in thermocouple reference junction and have included many examples and prompt the user documentation, the standard "enabled" kit gives you measurements in the starting 15 minutes after can all this will be for you to improve efficiency, no matter is regular or occasional use of the instrument.
    Save time and money for free software:
    您再也不必把宝贵的时间用在编写和配置软件上。Keysight BenchLink Data Logger软件为您提供熟悉的Microsoft Windows?界面,以用于测试配置,以及实时的数据显示和分析。更可喜的是每台标准Keysight 34970A还为您免费提供这一全功能的数据记录应用软件。
    You don't have to spend your precious time writing and configuring software. Keysight benchlink data logger software for you to provide the familiar Microsoft Windows & reg; interface, to used to test the configuration, and the real-time data display and analysis. Even more gratifying is that each standard 34970A Keysight also for you to provide free of charge of the full function of the data recording application software.
    Keysight 34970A提供数据采集应用所需要的各种能力。如果在过去,您可能选择操作简单、价格低的数据记录仪,或是着眼于模块化数据采集系统的灵活性和更高的性能。Keysight 34970A 数据采集开关单元使您兼而得之:既有简单的用户界面和摊至每一通道的低价,又有模块化的灵活性和优异的测量性能。
    34970A Keysight provides a variety of capabilities needed for data acquisition applications. If in the past, you may choose to operate simple, low price data recorder, or focus on the flexibility of the modular data acquisition system and a higher performance. 34970A Keysight data acquisition switch unit allows you to have the: both simple user interface and spread to every channel of low price, but also a modular flexibility and excellent measurement performance.
    This is the data recorder:
    如果配置为20通道的继电器多路复用器,Keysight 34970A就成为适应简单评测应用的强大而低价的数据记录仪 -- 设置快速,操作容易。
    If the relay is configured as a 20 channel multiplexer, 34970A Keysight has become a powerful and low-cost data recorder to adapt to a simple evaluation and application.
    This is the front end of the data collection:
    Keysight 34970A是具有优异测量性能的自动测试系统 -- 具有您需要的精度、分辨率和速度。
    34970A Keysight is an automatic test system with excellent measurement performance, which has the accuracy, resolution and speed.
    This is the switch system:
    Order not to take the internal digital multi - use table of the host box, you get a lower price of high quality ** routing solution.
    产品对照 - 34970A 模块对照表
    Product comparison - 34970A module control table
    欢迎来到东莞市捷鑫仪器有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市塘厦镇中国广东东莞东莞市塘厦镇清塘北街16号,联系人是陈卫平。 主要经营我们主要回收、维修倒闭厂仪器,回收光仪器,回收网络分析仪、频谱分析仪、示波器、综合测试仪、电子校准件、蓝牙/WIFI测试仪、信号发生器、数字万用表、数字源表、噪声源、频率计、LCR数字电桥、GPS信号源、多功能校准仪、直流电源、电子负载、功率计、NI GPIB卡、等进口仪器!。 单位注册资金未知。 我们公司主要供应回收仪器 东莞市捷鑫仪器有限公司 CL-200A回收 U3741等产品,我们的产品货真价实,性能可靠,欢迎电话咨询!